Ed Bruce Red Dog and Again

Dog Parks: Why They Are A Bad Thought

Using Dog Parks to Proof Obedience with Michael Ellis

Canis familiaris parks can be dangerous but they can serve a purpose. We use dog parks as distractions in order to proof our obedience exercises. In this video, Michael Ellis demonstrates how to utilize dog parks for this without putting his dog in harm's mode. Lookout as Michael works his domestic dog, Pi, on positions and heeling while ii dogs are running and fence fighting right inside the park. Michael never goes inside the domestic dog park, instead he stays outside the fence and uses the other dogs to proof his obedience through distractions.


This article will detail three topics concerning dog parks:

  1. The original purpose of dog parks
  2. The problems and dangers of taking your dog to a canis familiaris park.
  3. How to set for a domestic dog park
  4. How to handle and protect your dog while in the dog park

The Purpose Of A Dog Park

It would seem pretty obvious that a canis familiaris park is a place for people who don't have a lot of personal infinite to take their dog for exercise. The perfect example would be apartment dwellers or people who live in big cities.

The second and possible more common reason (which I disagree with) is that a dog park is a place for a canis familiaris to socialize with other dogs.

The Dangers of Dog Parks

Every couple of days I get an email from someone asking virtually bug with their dogs being attacked when they are on walks or running loose at one of the local parks that many cities setup.

People besides question me on how to deal with overly aggressive dogs that belong to other pet owners. They also question me about their own dogs not trying to defend themselves when approached by a seemingly aggressive dog. Some people want to know if they should just allow the dogs work these bug out themselves.

I want to become on tape equally saying that the concept of "Dog Parks" was well intended but a bad idea, especially when dogs are allowed to run off-leash. The main problems all stem from people who don't sympathise and have not established pack structure with their dogs. This means their dogs are out of control.

The average dog owner does not take the time to understand much less install pack structure. They don't know how strong the pack instincts are in their family pets. These drives can and ofttimes do click into loftier gear when a dog is taken into a park with strange dogs.

When a new domestic dog comes into a park that other dogs visit every mean solar day the new visitor is ofttimes seen an an intruder into "the personal territory" of the regular visitor. Mostly they are not seen equally new found friend. This frequently leads to either to territorial aggression, authorization aggression or fright aggression.

Canis familiaris Packs in the Park

When a grouping of dogs (3 or more) are allowed to run together in an area where at that place are no strong pack leaders (homo pack leaders), they instinctively endeavor to establish a rank order (or pecking order). If there are several dogs that want to assume a certain rank inside this new pack in that location are often problems. Too oftentimes this results in dog fights to decide what rank a canis familiaris volition assume.

dog park It is a mistake to assume that every domestic dog in the park is a well-mannered, well-trained pet. Just because it playing with other dogs does not mean that it will play with your dog. The issue of rank has already been settled with these other dogs and the game may exist going according to their rules. Your dog will not know the rules and tin hands get into trouble. To oft when a fight breaks out between your domestic dog and the leader of this pack the other dogs in the pack will also bound in and become after your dog.

I get emails from people who are disappointed in their puppy or immature dog because it shy'south abroad from other dogs and shows avoidance to these strange dogs they encounter on walks or in parks. These people completely misunderstand pack structure, many don't fifty-fifty know that it exists.

The vast bulk of dogs don't want to be pack leaders. They are perfectly happy with their owners assuming the position of leader. Equally such these dogs expect their pack leader (their owner) to protect them. That's why these dogs will run to their owner when they roughshod threatened by another dog. When a handler does non protect his dog the dog is in conflict and loses confidence. When the owner ignores the perceived threat their dogs often move into fight or flight.

When you stop to call up nigh it, normal people would never look their young children to fight adults that were threatening their home. So why do people look their young dogs to show aggression to older dogs? In about cases, the owners just lack the agreement of pack drive and dog preparation. People go defenseless in the trap of thinking they have a German Shepherd from working police bloodlines and "By Domestic dog" information technology should be tough!! Well, it doesn't piece of work that way.

When new owners assume the position of pack leader and they exercise everything right when their pup is immature the domestic dog volition grow upwards to be a confident developed dog. When owners drop the pack structure ball their dogs abound upward to be basket cases (either overly aggressive or fearful). This is the reasons I practise never guarantee temperament in the pups I used to sell. Besides many people lacked common sense or the feel to properly raise a canis familiaris.

How to Handle Your Domestic dog in the Domestic dog Park

When your dog is approached by a domestic dog that looks like information technology may be ambitious YOU (not your dog) needs to accept the aggressors role.

Dogs that have the potential to be aggressive are going to have a potent trunk. Their legs will be stiff, ofttimes their tail will be straight upward in the air or straight back (never tucked under the stomach - that's a submissive posture). When another canis familiaris does this it's to make itself look bigger and stronger.

Dominant dogs volition T-OFF on your dog. That means stand at your dogs shoulder and put their muzzle over the shoulders of your dog. This is a dominant display. When you see this:

  1. Tell the dogs owner that he or she needs to get control of their dog.

  2. If this does non work, then it's time to leave the park. If there was whatsoever aggression you may want to file a complaint or police report. Make certain y'all indicate that you were concerned for your personal safety and your dogs.

  3. If the state of affairs has moved across the indicate where you tin can go out then you demand to accept things in your own hands. Verbally tell the canis familiaris in a deep phonation to leave of there. Usually (not always) this is enough to make the dog back off. When that happens you need to determine if yous have solved the problem or if you need to leave. Ever mistake on the side of safety.

  4. I would not go to a dog park without a walking stick or a tin of pepper gas. If you are not familiar with how to safely break up a dog fight without getting hurt y'all need to familiarize yourself with what to do. (Read the article or mind to the podcast I have done on this).

  5. What I do may not be possible for many people with less feel. But if a devious dog were to get aggressive with my canis familiaris and I could non verbally threaten the dog to make it move on I would set on the dog with the stick. I tin can hear all the PETA PUKE rolling their eyes as they read this, but the fact is by this point retreat is non an option and I would not permit my dog to be injure. Frequently times i good Hard Hard hitting correct betwixt the ears volition deter most dogs. If yous don't take the conviction to do this, phone call the authorities because this dog does non vest in the park.

  6. If another canis familiaris attacks your dog you need to do what I explain in my commodity on Breaking Up A Dog Fight. If I were to walk a dog in the city, I would not do it without a can of pepper gas to utilize on any domestic dog that even looks cross-eyed at my puppy. I would not hesitate to physically go after a dog that approaches my pup. The merely ones that would be immune to come up close would be dogs I know for a fact are well-mannered, friendly soles that will be tolerant and play with my puppy.

While some breeds are predisposed to fight more than others, every breed has information technology's own bullies. At that place are too many people out there that don't come close to the characterization of being a "responsible pet possessor." With the number of fighting breeds growing, the risks of taking your pet to one of these parks is growing every twenty-four hour period.

Pet owners should know that in one case a puppy or adult domestic dog has been attacked by some other dog, it will become a dog aggressive animal itself. This but has to happen in one case for a permanent temperament change to occur in some animals. Y'all will quickly find that dog aggression is a real hurting in rear.

Finally, if your domestic dog is a slap-up and is ambitious to other dogs, you lot need to explicate to him that this is unacceptable behavior. Softer dogs can get the message with a elementary verbal reprimand, while other dogs demand to have serious corrections. These corrections can come from a prong collars, a dominant dog collars or in some cases a remote neckband. (One should only use a remote collar later on they have had the proper preparation).

The correction for serious dog aggression needs to be so difficult enough that the dog remembers it the next fourth dimension it thinks most existence aggressive.

The bottom line for professionals it the correction needs to be so severe that the idea of fighting or showing aggression is not equally strong as the respect (or fear) of what happens when he does not mind. For these dogs the presence of some other canis familiaris is a large distraction, only they need to sympathise that if they allow this lark to have command them the penalisation will be swift and severe. Once they understand this simple concept they will become much ameliorate dogs.

Giving a dog this kind of correction is often not a pretty sight. Many people exercise not have the temperament or skill to practise information technology correctly. They merely cannot bring themselves to right at an constructive level. Dog fights are a serious business and these people should either seek professional person assist or discover a new habitation for their dog ambitious dog.

In my opinion one of the virtually effective tools for trainers who want to acquire how to administrate corrections at a level beyond their normal strength level (IE. a modest women with a big dog) is to learn to train with a remote collar. I have produced a grooming DVD titled Remote Collar Grooming for the Pet Possessor which covers the foundation of neckband training.

If you have a dog that needs a little aid with distraction preparation I would direct you lot to my training video on Basic Canis familiaris Obedience. This record will guide you through normal distraction issues. Information technology will explain the principles of correction and how to read a dog's temperament to determine what level of correction to use.

People with authority trouble in their domestic dog should never bring their domestic dog to canis familiaris parks until they have the dominance issues under control. I tell people "if you can't command your dog at home or on a walk how will y'all ever control this canis familiaris when it's in a dog park with 20 other dogs?"

If you take a ascendant dog I recommend my DVD Dealing with Dominant and Ambitious Dog

Recommendations to make dog parks safer places:

dog parkWhile I am lucky to live in a small customs and have acreage to practise and railroad train, I know that others that live in large cities don't have an option to where they can get with their dogs. The post-obit data is designed to help people make dog parks a safer place.

Dogs should laissez passer a test earlier being allowed in a dog park. In my opinion communities should constitute and ready tests that pet owners must pass earlier dogs are allowed off leash into these canis familiaris parks.

The tests should demonstrate the off leash control owners have over their dogs while the dogs are faced with extreme distraction. In other words, the owners need to be able to call their dogs dorsum away from a group of several dogs that are playing.

Dogs that tin can't laissez passer these tests should non be allowed off leash in the parks.

These tests should include a knowledge of how to bargain with domestic dog fights.

There should be parks for small dogs and parks for big dogs. Allowing very small dogs to run with large dogs can be a very unsafe state of affairs for the small domestic dog. The average pet owner has no idea how to break upward a dog fight. They likewise tin't encompass how quickly a large dog tin can kill or seriously injure a small dog.

Be a responsible handler There are some basic common sense rules that good owners should follow when they use a park.

  • When at the park and a unsafe or out of control dog shows up, leave the park. While yous may feel you have the right to be there you gain zero by pushing your limit and risking a canis familiaris fight.

  • Go to the park at off-peak hours. You will acquire when the serenity times are, those are the times to exist at that place with your domestic dog. If y'all apparel for the wind and rain there is nada wrong with having the entire park to yourself.

  • When a dog pile or domestic dog fight occurs, immediately telephone call your dog away from the pack. There is nothing wrong with using a remote collar and practice calling your domestic dog abroad from chasing a group of dogs.

  • At that place is nothing wrong with pedagogy your domestic dog that you are more fun than other dogs at the dog park. When you lot go, play the games your dog loves abroad from the canis familiaris pack.

  • When your dog is off ternion at the park, 100% of your of your focus should exist on your dog.

  • If you wish to socialize with other dogs owners that fine, merely practise it when you take your dog on a leash.

  • Don't make the dog park it's only out of the home experience with y'all. Have it for walks, take it swimming (when possible) play or train in different locations. People who simply have their dog to a dog park set themselves upwards for dogs to go out of control. The dogs with a lot of energy who only become to the dog park tin can take the attitude of USE Information technology OR LOSE IT which ways they can get wild.

  • In my opinion people should learn how to use a remote collar. Collars are invisible leashes. They should study my low level stimulation grooming and understand when they can and cannot utilize a collar in a canis familiaris park. (Don't utilize a collar in the middle of a domestic dog fight - the dog will think that his opponent is causing the stimulation and fight harder).
Dog Park
Dog Park
Dog Park
Notice the ball in the 1 dog's mouth -
allowing only one domestic dog to have a toy will often trigger a dog attack.

News & Media Articles about Dog Parks

two people, dog hurt in assail at dog park

The assault marked the starting time fourth dimension since the Newport News Long Island park opened in April that a person was bitten, an official said.

March 30, 2007 NEWPORT NEWS -- A dog set on this week at the city's only off-ternion park left a miniature dachshund with serious injuries and 2 women with seize with teeth wounds.

Christine Hyatt and her daughter, Kathy, were walking their three minor dogs through Fido Field, an off-leash dog park at Riverview Farm Park, Tuesday when they heard someone holler.

Hyatt, 67, spun around and saw an Akita mix sink its teeth into the neck of her 2-yr-old dachshund, Maddy, and start shaking.

Maddy broke complimentary, just the dog attacked once again.

Christine Hyatt and her girl tried to intervene, and the Akita mangled Christine Hyatt'southward middle finger and bit her daughter's hand, Hyatt said.

Eventually, she said, the Akita's owner helped pull the dog off.

Hyatt's dog remained in an animate being hospital Thursday, merely a doctor said Maddy could be released this weekend, Hyatt said.

Hyatt, meanwhile, underwent handling for her sliced and fractured finger at an emergency medical clinic.

She worried almost the chance of rabies, since she didn't know whether the Akita had been vaccinated.

On Th, as she sabbatum at the intersection of Menchville Road and Warwick Boulevard, Hyatt said, she saw the Akita'southward owner drive past.

It was "divine intervention," she said.

She and her daughter followed him to a Bryan Courtroom home, where she confronted the driver, co-ordinate to a metropolis creature services study.

The commuter, James Coleman, admitted owning the Akita, Hyatt said.

She's hoping Coleman will cover her dog's medical bills.

Coleman couldn't be reached for comment Thursday, but Neb Wise, the city'south animal services superintendent, said Coleman reported his dog, "Kita," was registered and up-to-engagement on its shots.

The incident marked the first substantiated report of a person being bitten at the park since it opened in April 2006, said Andy Lunsford, the city'due south parks operations superintendent.

At Fido Field on Th, Josh Biskey, 27, watched his German shepherd, Dakota, roll through the dirt with a mixed terrier.

He described the park as a smashing place for both canis familiaris owners and dogs to socialize.

About people, he said, recognize when their pets become ambitious.

"You lot have to step in before something happens," Biskey said. "You need to know what your dog's capable of."

Making Dog Parks Safer

A threescore-pound child is roughed up by a one-hundred pound dog at a identify where dogs are supposed to run complimentary, merely run safely. Changes may soon be made at some expanse canis familiaris parks, afterward an incident this weekend raises questions near safety at the parks. A child was pawed and bitten by a dog at a Hamilton County domestic dog park, and he's not lonely.

Local 12 Reporter Jeff Hirsh unleashes some concerns in this developing story.

What'southward more fun than going to the park with your buddies, go some much-needed exercise, and even play broad retriever. Well, commonly, it is fun, simply non always.

"Information technology was very scary."

These scratch and bite marks are on an eight year onetime male child who was at the Armleider Dog Park yesterday with his mom and their pet. But another canis familiaris ... a big mastiff ... possibly merely wanting to play ... used the child as a chew toy.

Tracy Hickenlooper, Canis familiaris seize with teeth victim's mother: "He was screaming, he rolled upwards into a ball, saying get him off me. He was rolling up into a ball, trying to go abroad, and the canis familiaris continued to get afterwards him."

Information technology'due south also a canis familiaris-swallow-dog earth. This domestic dog needed stitches to close a wound several months ago, from the same Hamilton Canton Park Board facility.

"At present, if dogs could read the rules, they would find out that owners are supposed to have leashes in hands at all times, that big dogs and small dogs are supposed to be in separate areas, and that aggressive dogs are supposed to exist removed immediately."

Dogs who bite people are supposed to be quarantined for ten days, if they're defenseless.

Harold Dates, SPCA Director: "Yous've got to find how your dog is behaving. Is he truly getting exercise? Is he trying to take over the other dogs in the park. What is your domestic dog doing?"

Tyler and Nico are not exactly threats. Possessor Anne Huddleston loves to bring them here. But sometimes, Huddleston sees other folks drop off dogs and leave for hours.

Anne Huddleston, Dog Owner: "Hither they come up back from wherever they've been, option their dog up. They only go out them here, do whatever business they accept to practice and that's very irresponsible."

One nearby customs may accept a solution. In Anderson Township, park users pay a small yearly fee, register their dogs, wear i-d tags, and incident report forms are at the gate. Tracy Hickenlooper would like to see Hamilton Canton'south Canis familiaris Park practise the same matter.

"Some people encounter it every bit a social situation and they're on their prison cell phones and talking to dog owners and not paying attending to their dogs. These things happen fast."

Jeff Hirsh, Local 12.

Attack reports are rare in dog parks, but the Anderson Park District did ban one ambitious dog from its facility. Hamilton County is considering a let-and-fee system in a possible new dog park. That's on the due west side of town. There are no plans for it in Armleader Park, on the east side.

Dog Park violence on the rise

By Lisa Black

Published March 27, 2007,

Robin Chase used to walk her pets upward to iii miles a day at a Libertyville dog park. But she hasn't since July, when two Akitas mauled her 12-pound Chihuahua mix, Deardra, and left her with $5,000 in veterinary bills.

Deardra is among dozens of dogs bitten or attacked in the past year at the region'due south dog parks, according to data kept by various agencies. Some veterinarians and trainers worry that also few owners have responsibility for their pets in the free-for-all environment in which dogs frolic off-leash.

In response, some domestic dog park operators are strengthening rules or creating "aligning areas"—smaller spaces where dogs may get accepted to socializing before entering the larger park. Among them is Lake in the Hills' Bark Park, where a pack of young dogs killed a Pomeranian last year.

Advocates who enumerate the benefits of do and socialization say the majority of dogs safely use parks.

But as defended dog parks proliferate in the Chicago area, others say the problem of dog attacks is just emerging. Even the most docile animals, they say, can raise another pup's hackles or skirmish over a toy.

"Dog parks are a groovy idea, only I honestly don't think there's enough control," said Cathie Sabin, owner of B.C. Dog Training in Mundelein. "I have seen people pull up to a domestic dog park, open up the gates, let the dogs in and go dorsum in their car and read a newspaper."

Nearly canis familiaris parks require permits and proof that the brute is vaccinated. Sabin wonders if the permit holders should also be tested on whether their dog responds past name and if the owner tin can recognize menacing signs, such equally a dog that assumes an ambitious stance.

Dr. Kristen Temo, a veterinary who treated Deardra at the Animal Emergency and Treatment Center in Grayslake, said she ofttimes treats dogs for scrapes after they visit Libertyville's Independence Grove Domestic dog Exercise Area. Temo rarely takes her 95-pound canis familiaris at that place.

"That's because I don't similar sewing upward cuts on my solar day off," she said.

When the Akitas cornered Deardra, the two women who brought them had walked effectually a curve, deep in conversation. Hunt said ane of the Akitas had started "death shaking" Deardra by the fourth dimension she was able to get the women'south attending by screaming. Deardra underwent surgery to fix a gaping hole in her abdomen.

Information technology is difficult to estimate the numbers of injuries at the parks because they are often lumped into broader categories of domestic dog bites. It'southward likely that some aren't reported at all.

Chicago and Cook County officials declined to provide statistics just said they take received very few reports.

Lake County Animate being Control Supervisor Len Hackl estimates that he receives 20 to 25 reports annually of dog-on-dog bites at the iv dog parks owned by the Wood Preserve District.

"We just had a give-and-take with some of the forest preserve staff, because we constitute out at that place were incidents being reported to them and not to us and vice versa," Hackl said. "Nosotros are going to keep better runway of that, especially with leap and summertime coming."

The DuPage Canton Forest Preserve District recorded 26 dog-on-dog incidents at its seven offleash canis familiaris parks in 2006, spokesman Bill Weidner said.

In McHenry County, domestic dog parks are overseen by municipalities, and no such statistics are available. Only Bawl Park in Lake in the Hills instituted new rules after the Pomeranian's decease.

The park now prohibits dogs that are aggressive, in estrus or younger than 6 months.

No statistics were available for the ii dog parks operated past Will Canton'due south Wood Preserve District. The district has rescinded several permits because of aggressive canis familiaris behavior over 6 years, said spokesman Bruce Hodgdon.

He recalls hands the most serious incident, on the opening day of Hammel Forest, in which a modest dog died.

Even the people who love canis familiaris parks and seldom have problems say they empathise the need to tend to their animals.

"I've had mayhap two incidents where I've come across an aggressive domestic dog," said Selina

Carpenter of Grayslake, a regular at Independence Grove park. In i example, she said a xanthous lab growled at her Great Dane, Hampton, when he tried to play with the lab's toy.

In most domestic dog parks, regulars develop friendships and form a self-policing community, she said.

Regime say regulars often written report park violations.

Trainer Toriano Sanzone, owner of DOPA Dogs in Chicago, said he advises clients to run through preparation commands with their dogs at the parks then reward them by letting them run off-leash.

"You shouldn't only let them go," said Sanzone, who said that too many owners talk on cell phones or socialize with others while their dogs play.

He likened it to parents ignoring preschoolers at a park.

"Eventually someone is going to fall off a slide or get into it over a item swing," he said.

He advises owners to keep a short iv-inch leash on their dogs so they can restrain them if necessary. Other trainers suggest bringing an air horn to scare off an aggressive domestic dog.

If in that location is a fight between dogs, experts say it will exist difficult to step in without getting hurt.

Some suggest pulling a dog's hind legs to get information technology abroad from another animal; others propose wedging a large stick in the dog'due south mouth.

Maggie Ross, 25, of Lake Villa said she was terrified when a stocky white domestic dog—she is not sure of the breed—latched onto the neck of her yellow Labrador retriever at Independence Grove terminal month. Her nine-month-quondam dog, Payton, wasn't injured badly considering he was wearing a collar that became entangled in the assaulter's teeth, she said.

"My dog was gasping for air. His eyes were jutting out," Ross said. "From the sounds of it, I thought my dog was dying."

The woman who owned the attacking dog was fined $300 and prohibited from returning to the park because in that location was a prior record of her ii pets fighting, officials said.

"Dogs won't fight unless there's an event," Sabin said. "But similar people with their kids, information technology's never my child [who started it]. It's never my canis familiaris." --

Tucson Wants Tougher Laws Against Irresponsible Pet Owners

October 3, 2007 12:xxx PM PDT

Are Old Pueblo pups sitting pretty or are our dogs in danger? Information technology depends who y'all enquire.

click here to admission an interactive web story put out past Men's Health Mag that reveals the nations top dog friendly cities. By clicking on Tucson yous can come across we get the fourth ranking for a number of reasons. The all-time marks come from our vet services. From this you'd think our pooches are in primo shape, right? Retrieve once more!

Urban center quango is looking at the quality of life for our four legged friends.

Dog parks are some of the merely places in the city where your canis familiaris tin can roam leash-gratis, but the urban center is pushing for tougher penalty for canis familiaris owners who break that constabulary.

Dog parks are a growing trend across the state and Tucson is no different.

"He loves it here, he has a great time then it'southward great that it's actually convenient," says Crystal Adams.

There's nada more enjoyable for Crystal and her little dog Rusty than leaving the leash at home. Simply it's outside the domestic dog park where she has concerns nigh other dogs roaming complimentary.

"Having irresponsible pet owners without the dogs on a leash and they're aggressive, that's not too groovy," says Crystal.

That's why Tucson City Councilwoman Carol Westward is pushing for tougher laws against violators afterward a string of disturbing incidents in her ward. Ane particularly gruesome story where a loose domestic dog became dangerous.

"A piffling puppy was on a leash in a park and a large dog came and tore his eye out."

W says increasing fines past $fifty could discourage pet owners from letting their dogs run loose. Violators would pay up to 200 dollars. …

Domestic dog killed at Wentzville canis familiaris park

March 31, 2022 10:36 PM CDT

WENTZVILLE, Mo. – One domestic dog is dead subsequently being attacked past another domestic dog at a St. Charles County domestic dog park.

The attack happened Lord's day at the Quail Ridge Park.

NewsChannel 5 was alerted to the story past a viewer, who says she was at the park Dominicus with her own dog and watched as the set on happened.

The St. Charles County Parks Department confirms a black Great Dane quickly attacked and killed a Golden Retriever.

The parks department manager says the owner of the Great Dane left the park and was non found by park rangers. Now St. Charles Brute Control are looking for the Great Dane and its owner. Park rules say owners are legally responsible for their dogs and any injuries or harm caused by their dogs.

For xi years Nick Andres and Buddy were at that place for each other.

"I couldn't help him and he was scared and that's the worst function near it is I didn't desire him to think he was by himself, you lot know," Andres said.

Sunday afternoon Nick, Buddy and the rest of his family were celebrating a dog's birthday at Quail Ridge Park in Wentzville.

Nick says the attack only lasted seconds.

"This black dog was on, had Buddy like around his cervix, and his ear," he said.

He tells us he and his father rushed over and started pulling the black Corking Dane off Buddy.

"My dad was breathing into his oral fissure and his nose and I was pushing on his chest to see if I could perhaps nosotros could get him to hang on to where maybe we could get him somewhere, he was already gone," Andres said.

When park rangers showed up the Great Dane and it's owner were gone.

Nick says he wants answers, why did the owner bring the dog to a park? Had it been aggressive earlier?

"To come leash your dog while I am on the footing with mine and but take off and run?" Andres said.

He says he was told Buddy had internal injuries and didn't suffer.

"That's the master affair, everything else is you know, this guy getting caught or his domestic dog getting caught non going to modify it, a thing for me," he said.

Park officials say in that location were virtually 75 people at the park Sun when the incident occurred. If you or someone you know were at the dog park, contact St. Charles County Animal Command at 636-949-7387.

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Source: https://leerburg.com/dogparks.htm

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